Oubliette and Lurkernomore:
Unlike you, I feel no obligation to be an empathetic asshole for every whining victim who comes down the pike.
Do not be distressed, there are MORE THAN ENOUGH undiscriminating empathetic assholes available here to provide support for each of the neurotic head-cases who sign on here seeking attention for how THEY were victimized (even if the victimization was BY PROXY, as in "my poor dear daughter..." or "I knew someone who heard of someone who had a friend that...")
I should be celebrating! After upteen years of treading muck in this quicksand trap that is "the JW experience," I find myself at the shallow end of the swamp where I can extract myself and MOVE ON to wherever "ON" is.
Over the past decade-plus I've wondered sometimes why people would up and leave, never to return. It has taken me that long to get a belly-full of the self interested phonies who show up from time to time seeking not healing, but ATTENTION. I'm sorry; when I was "in" I had NO SYMPATHY for the whining crybabies who were always "being stumbled" as a way of controlling others, and I'm far less tolerant of this crap behavior now, so I CALL IT AS I SEE IT - and I will not hesitate to point out that I have been shown to be correct in my appraisals more often than I have been wrong.
So put it in your hat and sit on it, you of the bleeding-hearts club! Keep your simple-minded "church-lady" sensitivity in your purse!